Sunday, May 30, 2010
Tribal Phoenix Tattoo Designs for girls | Designs Tattoo

Saturday, May 29, 2010
back tattoos for girls with japanese kenji designs | tattoo girls
tattoos care for girls | women tattoos
Use some common sense, if you need to apply more, do so. Apply around the tattoo too.. and BLEND that area.. ON the tattoo it needs to be cakey, but the powdery stuff will keep it in place. If it's not exactly the right color you can add some colored powder you already have to adjust.
I used this on a BLACK tattoo on my wrist for my friend's wedding and it was amazing.. if you look close you can see there is some different texture to the area, but in pictures it looked like there was no difference to the area at all. I had a ribbon type thing I made to wear at the reception in case it ended up fading, but it lasted.
Covermark, the most trusted name in concealment cosmetics, offers the best way to temporarily and completely hide tattoos. Tames even the deepest, darkest design. Kit offers everything you need to tame tattoos, quickly, easily, painlessly, without anyone detecting they are there.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Kanji Tattoos designs for girls | unlimited tattoo

Japan:Kanji Tattoo Symbols
Thursday, May 27, 2010
wrist tattoos for girls | designs tattoo
This is a cool tattoo owned by i'mcool said:it means a lot to me and i've wanted it for a long time now. i'm so happy that i've finally done it.
(this is for every person that plays an important role in my life.
and it is also to remind myself that when there is no one else there i have the strength within myself.....corny.....but true.)
And here are more tattoos on wrist.
wrist Tattoos for women
pictures of wrist tattoos .
Tattoos on wrist
extream tattoos for girls | tattoos girls

Do you love snake tattoo?If you love the awesome snake tattoo, you must love the king cobra tattoo!Right.The cobra tattoo is really cool!Here are some cobra tattoo pictures for you.If you want to have a new tattoo, you may consider this if you want.But, before you do this tattoo, should know the meaning of cobra tattoos!
tribal Cobra tattoo designs

The meaning of Cobra Tattoos:they embodied such women’s characteristics as mysteriousness, intuition and unpredictability. For men a cobra means power and wisdom, but it is also a sign of insidiousness, slyness and darkness. Such tattoo can mean protectiveness over the people whose initials are inked or it can be a tattoo made in loving memory of those who are gone that shows that the tattoo owner will never forget them.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Christian Cross Tattoos for girls | Tattoos for girls
Some cross tattoos show Jesus on the cross, while others show the cross, often with realistic wood graining, with a crown of thorns hung over one arm. Other cross tattoos consists of crossed nails such as big, rough looking nails like those that were used to hang Jesus on the cross.
Other popular Christian cross tattoo images include the Celtic cross (probably one of the most popular Christian tattoos of all), the Russian cross, and the Egyptian 'ankh', a cross with a circular shape on top, the ancient Egyptian symbol for 'life'.
Besides the cross, there are other Christian images that are often used in Christian cross tattoos. The fish symbol is a great illustration based on assorted biblical references, a stylized fish symbol is frequently used as a symbol of Christ. This is a compact, but quite prominent symbol that lends itself well to tattooing, especially in black.
However, there are also other tattoos that may be gang related such as the Hispanic Christian Cross Tattoos.
They are an interesting sub-group. If you know anything about their traditions, you won't be too surprised to learn that most Mexicans and other Hispanic people, even though they are involved in gangs or other criminal activities, are deeply religious and rely on their Christian symbols to both identify and protect them.
These Christian cross tattoos are rather complex, many involve a tattooed image of a saint, Jesus, or the Virgin Mary. Hispanic tattoos often have words, as well, usually a Bible verse, perhaps accompanied by a loved one's name. Many Mexican gang members have multiple sophisticated tattoos, allowing the individual to literally wear his identity and emotions on his skin, if not his sleeve!
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• Contains 30 Realistic Looking Temporary Tattoos
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Tuesday, May 25, 2010
japanese tattoos design for girls | tattoos girl

They are regarded as a symbol of mischief, wisdom, good, evil, adventure and strength. The type of images that are chosen depends upon the personal choice of the person which several men choosing tattoo designs that are either red or green and several women choosing tattoo designs which are either blue, purple or pink in color. The colors are as important as the design of the dragon tattoos.
Chinese dragon tattoo for girls | tattoo for girls

In medieval Europe, the dragon was a bloodthirsty, fire-breathing figure. Its malevolence and ferociousness struck terror in all. But in Asia, the dragon is the contrary. The mighty dragon is a mythical beast long celebrated for its benevolence, intelligence and good will, which can protect us and give us good luck!
Monday, May 24, 2010
best tattoos parlor for girls | tattoos for girls

So the next time you ask yourself ‘how to tattoo?’ just follow the above techniques or search for the detailed process on the internet. But it is to be taken care of that no one should try to tattoo with out any professional guidance as it can be very dangerous. A little training from the professionals is necessary. The art of tattooing involves a good imagination and creativity. It is the talent of those who can think innovatively and come up with new ideas that can catch the attention of all. A tattoo needs to be striking to look at and endearing to one who supports it. The art of tattooing involves talent and is not a cup of tea for every body.
Cute tattoo for girls | tattoo for girls

Yes, Every girl love cute things,including a cute girls tattoo which looks fantastic. However it can be hard to choose a cute girl tattoo as there as so many cute designs out there! How to choose one without regret? You can browse tattoo galleries online and find the perfect one.
You will find the cute girls tattoo designs are often small, but very adorable! This is due to females having smaller bodies than males are choosing to have a small cute tattoo rather than a large tattoo – like the sleeve tattoo for example. As these appear more cute and more feminine but this opinion varies between girls.
Some other cute girls tattoos include: Butterfly tattoos, tribal tattoos, star tattoos (shooting star especially), heart tattoos and zodiac tattoos to name a few. These are all amazing designs and look great on a female.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
lower back tattoos for girls-tatoo flash | sexy tattoo
See Price: Temporary Tattoos Sexy Lower Back
• New Jumbo variety Pack includes tons of Tattoos!
• Easier & faster to apply than any other brand
• 100% waterproof¿lasts 2-5 days on skin
• Easy to remove with household rubbing alcohol
• Will apply to any surface-clothing, shoes,toys,wndows,walls,etc.
Angelina Jolie tattoos | tattoos women

Angelina Jolie has the phrase "know your rights" tattooed just below the base of her neck.
The tattoo has become more and more popular these days, a lot people around me are got gorgeous tattoos! From tribal to star, from butterfly to dragon, really cool! Of course, a lot celebrities are get tattoos. Today we talking about Angelina Jolie's tattoos.
Angelina Jolie is an American actress and Goodwill Ambassador for the UN Refugee Agency. She has received three Golden Globe Awards, two Screen Actors Guild Awards, and an Academy Award.I love Angelina very much.
Angelina's back tattoos has been edited and added to almost as much as her arms, if not moreso. She used to wear the Japanese kanji that translated to "death" on her left shoulder, but that tattoo was covered over with an elaborate Buddhist prayer of protection. It is a Sanskrit blessing in the Cambodian language, and she has said it is to honor her first adopted son Maddox.
Angelina Jolie's Tattoos Pictures
Her lower back is the area that has been added to the most. Originally she had two tiny tribal-style designs on either side of her spine and a small dragon. However on a trip to Thailand, she had that work topped by a large tiger design.
Online Tattoo School Training & Certification | tattoo convention
Want to Learn How To Tattoo? A Message from Gary Gray jr.
Do you have the drive, the determination and the willingness to learn? Then we can help make those dreams a reality!
The tattoo learning process is not an easy one. There is a lot to learn and getting a good apprenticeship can be very costly, what I am offering is a chance to get a helping hand in the apprenticeship learning battle.
I am a tattoo artist of 12 years. I have been published in numerous tattoo magazines and traveled around the United States learning my craft.
I will provide you with all the basic learning materials needed to get the basic understanding of how you can become a tattoo artist.
You will receive over 200 pages of tattoo learning materials. These are split up into in 15 sections to jump start the learning process.
You will also receive 24 DVD videos, made by "Insane Tattoo Products" and the "International School of Body Art" featuring myself and a few colleagues demonstrating different techniques in a hands on environment, with me explaining what I am doing and why I am doing it.
There is a lot of competition out there in the tattoo industry and also in the training portion of it. I invite you to check out my tattoos and make your own decision on who you want to teach you. I will let my tattoos speak for themselves.
If you would like to take it to the next level and begin your training, I would love to help you in that process.
I do not condone illegal tattooing and there are many other safe options available to you to learn how to tattoo without tattooing out of your house and hurting your friends in the process.
I am offering the following services to you as part of this tattoo apprenticeship program.
1. I will host a weekly online classroom, to answer any questions you may have in regard to the tattoo process.
2. You will have my personal email address to email me with any questions that need an answer sooner than the scheduled weekly forum classroom.
3. I will personally help you with all of the information that I can offer.
4. I will also help you with any aspect of the pre-tattooing process. I will offer advice on materials you will need and where to get these materials.
5. I will help you feel more confident. So that when you decide to walk through that door, and start your new career, That you will have the basic understanding of what it means to be a tattoo artist, and the knowledge to back it up…….
Saturday, May 22, 2010
friend tattoo on ankle tattoos for girls | tattoo girl
small heart tattoos for girls on back neck | Design tattoo

Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Victor's Homage to Kathy Olivas's Misery Children
Of course, there are exceptions.
For example, when I spotted Victor popping into an ATM vestibule at 7 Penn Plaza, I only saw a flash of color on his upper right arm, but I had a hunch it would be great.
I was right.
Victor is a fan of the artist Kathie Olivas, a multi-media artist who, among other things, has created the Misery Children. Check out the collection of her characters that he has circling his arm:
Victor followed up our meeting with an email that described Ms. Olivas's work, quoting from her website:
The tattoos are based on Kathie Olivas's artwork, her paintings and studies. "Sugary treats, dichotomous dreamlands, and the cute and corrupted all find their way into the brief calm before the rebellion that feature Olivas's series of characters known as the misery children."This series of paintings and custom figures "focuses on imperfect characters that parallel" a vision of "post-apocalyptic conformity, uniquely documenting their own stories in a mysterious brave new world.""The cast is inspired by early American portraiture that often depicted children as small adults in an idealized new land...They evoke a sense of temporality; [in which] childhood serves as a starting ground, a place where things begin." They also "personify 'cuteness' as more of a representation of projected innocence."
Victor's misery children were tattooed by Jose Soto at Inkstop Tattoo NYC.
Thanks to Victor for not only sharing the tattoos with us here on Tattoosday, but for introducing many of us to an exciting pop artist.
You can see more of Kathie Olivas' work on her cool website here.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tattoosday Goes to Hawai'i - All in the Family, Part 2 (Keali'i's Sleeves)
My first glimpse of his tattoos was at a time when I wasn't thinking much about ink - a sad occasion that gives everyone a bit of perspective, in the bright shadows between the living and the dead.
It wasn't until later that evening, as small glasses with clear liquor were raised in honor of a departed husband, father, and grandfather, when the talk of tattoos began.
I had known Keali'i had ink, but I never realized how much. He has two full sleeves and he kindly shares them here.
His left arm is distinguished by a black and gray depiction of a skeletal warrior king presiding over a dark domain. Skulls are prevalent in the flowing piece that runs the full length of the arm:
The depiction of the great Hawaiian king, Kamehameha the Great, is a popular element in many tattoos for people honoring the history of Hawai'i.
The traditional warrior helmet on the skeleton signifies that this is an undead Kamehameha, a twist on the cultural and historical icon that makes the dark side of Keali'i so unique.
Keali'i's right arm contrasts the left with an explosion of color:
My nephew's full Hawaiian name is Keali'i 'O ka Moana, which translates to "Chief of the Ocean". And he lives up to this moniker, being an avid fan of surfing, diving, and fishing. Embracing his love of the sea, Keali'i adorned this side of his body with the bright vibrant colors of the ocean reefs, with multi-hued corals, anemones, and other sea life, including a fish and an octopus.
Unfortunately, the bottoms of Keali'i's arms are darker than the tops, a fact that he grudgingly accepts as the cost of being in the sun so much, combined with having naturally darker skin to begin with.
His artist, Billy Whitney from 808 Tattoo Studio, has scolded him, Keali'i told me, but he swears up and down he can't help it.
Regardless of the visibility of some of this work, it's still wonderfully done and was great to see in person after hearing so long about his great tattoos.
I want to say a big mahalo to my nephew, Keali'i, for sharing his sleeves with us here on Tattoosday!
Previously in the "Tattoosday Goes to Hawai'i - All in the Family" series:
Part 1, A Preface.